Thursday, May 3, 2007

Demon Posession Today?

My brother recently asked me a good question, which I did not know the answer to. The question is, "Do demons still posses people today?" There are many places in the bible, such as Mark 1:23, where a demon or demons have possessed somebody, and Jesus drove them out of people.
So, do demons still posses people today? Did they posses Hitler or Stalin?
My opinion is that demons still do possess. I say this because I know that they still exist, just like Satan himself, though I have not heard of any recent case of possession, and I have no evidence to back up my guess.


Drew Dixon said...

Yes. I believe that demons are still around and that they still possess people from time to time. As for demons possessing Hitler or Stalin, I doubt that's true. But I can't know for certain.

A friend of mine told me that once at a church event a girl started going into convulsions and writhing around on the floor and such. Then he and other's in that group started praying for her and they began speaking in tongues. After this she stopped. That may have been a demon. But, why have I never seen something like this happen?

Greg and I were actually talking about this last Sunday. He told me his idea about why we usually don't see it happen. The reason is because we are not charismatic Christians. We do not seem to really believe in or think about that sort of thing, so Satan doesn't attack us that way.

Luke Schumann said...

I beleive that demons are real, but they may not posses in the way we think they do. For example, on evangelistic TV documentaries, the actors might not be acting out the possession correctly. Also, I think that there might be a demon inside of all of us every time we are tempted to sin.